WATCH Charity

About WATCH Charity

Our charity is based in the heart of Hillfields in Coventry. Our centre provides a hub of support to the local community so there is something on the doorstep for everybody. Whether it is help with looking for work or training, access to English language classes, participating in sessions to improve digital skills and essential well-being or receiving advice on energy-saving - we do it all! In addition to this, we are home to HillzFM 98.6 - Coventry’s leading community-based radio station - a dedicated Youth Team who organise after school and school holiday activities and Coventry City Council’s Hillfields library services.

Recently added activities

Board Trustee
Organisation role · 4–6 hrs/month
Board Trustee
We are seeking experienced trustees who can use their knowledge and expertise to support the charity through an interesting period of transition.Posted by WATCH Charity
Fundraiser -- Hillz FM
Project role (Temporary) · 3–5 hrs/Week · For around 6 months
Fundraiser -- Hillz FM
Hillz FM is a community radio station in Hillfields. Our fundraisers reach out to companies and foundations and also help to increase our radio advertising.Posted by WATCH Charity
Volunteer Open Day
Event · 6 Feb, 10:30 - 13:00
Volunteer Open Day
We will have two sessions -- 1030am to 1130am and 12pm to 1pm. Please feel free to attend any one of these time slots!Posted by WATCH Charity
