VCFSE Information Webinar

VCFSE Information Webinar

Workshop · 26 Feb, 18:00 - 19:00
From home
3 Good health and well-being10 Reduced inequalities11 Sustainable cities and communities

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Francesca MiddletonAsk Francesca a question
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Voluntary Action Coventry
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Join one of the Webinars to hear about the Coventry and Warwickshire VCFSE Collaborative

Detailed description

The Health and Social Care Act 2022 and statutory guidance sets out a clear intention of a more joined-up approach to health and care built on collaborative relations, using collective resources of the local system, NHS, local authorities, the voluntary and community sector, and others to improve the health of local areas. 


The VCFSE Collaborative is the ICS single entry point for the VCFSE sector across Coventry and Warwickshire, the Collaborative is the collective term for the network of VCFSE groups, charities, enterprises and communities, working together to develop and deliver the mission and priorities as part of the Integrated Care System.


The ICB (Integrated Care Board) and wider partners recognise the VCFSE can engage with and deliver services to communities and individuals who can be missed through traditional health and social care pathways. 

Our webinar is a great opportunity to hear about the Coventry and Warwickshire VCFSE Collaborative, in particular what this looks like for organisations based in Coventry.

You'll hear about:

  • History of the Collaborative
  • How it fits in with existing Collaboratives and Organisations across Coventry and Warwickshire
  • Ways to get involved
  • Future plans and events

Are you going? Applications closing in 4 days.
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About Voluntary Action Coventry

We are here for people who want to engage, connect or volunteer in their community, and for voluntary, community or social enterprises working in Coventry.

We work collaboratively with statutory organisations and private companies what want to help enrich the lives of Coventry residents.

Our vision is that everyone can engage within their community, identifying what matters to them and building the future they want to see.