Financial Administrator

Financial Administrator

Organisation role · Flexible hours
From home
8 Decent work and economic growth10 Reduced inequalities11 Sustainable cities and communities

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Tools Abroad
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We need a volunteer to keep records of, and report on, our financial transactions. Involvement in our other activities (see the website) would be welcome.

Detailed description

Outline duties and responsibilities

To keep accurate records of the financial transactions of the Group in a format suitable for independent verification.

To attend meetings of the Group and to report the financial position of the Group. It is proposed that these meetings will take place every quarter of the year.

To administer expenses claims and to act as joint signatory on the Group Building Society account.

To provide an annual report on the income and financial out-goings of the Group for presentation to the Group.

Knowledge and skills

Our financial adminstrator needs to be able to keep accurate financial records, in a form suitable for independent verification, if required.

Knowledge of office software (spreadsheets, word processor, email, etc.) is essential.

Previous experience in a similar role would be advantageous.


Although we are looking primarily for someone to keep the books, this job is not particularly onerous, and there would be plenty of opportunity to take part in the other activities of the group, as described in our website.

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About Tools Abroad

We are a local volunteer group affiliated to, and working wholly in support of, the national Tools for Self Reliance charity ( - activities include collecting and refurbishing tools for use in disadvantaged communities in Africa. We also sell surplus tools to raise funds for Tools for Self Reliance.