Project/Research Volunteer

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A project/research volunteer is for students or community activists/ leaders who want to highlight some of the experiences of their community or interests.Detailed description
If you have an idea about finding out about issues you are interested in around people's experiences of health and care services. ii you would like to carry out a piece of research, then please let us know. This role is for students or community activists/ leaders who might want to highlight some of the experiences of their community members/ interests (eg mental health, older people and so on) around health and social care.
We would like to meet up to discuss and support the work you want to do, if this works for both parties.
This role is useful for people who want to explore areas of health and social care that they are passionate about or are students wanting to develop their skills. Project/ Research Volunteers can bring their ideas and be willing to work with Healthwatch Coventry to deliver their research/ surveys.