Befriending an older person who's housebound - online volunteer info session

Befriending an older person who's housebound - online volunteer info session

Workshop · 12 May, 19:30 - 20:30
From home
Older peoplePeople with disabilitiesFaith-based
1 No Poverty3 Good health and well-being10 Reduced inequalities

Contact person

Jess Day-PollardAsk Jess a question
Applications closing in 2 months.10 spots left.
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HOPE Coventry
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Join Good Neighbours Coventry via Zoom online to learn how you can become a befriender to visit an older person near you. It's flexible, convenient & fun!

Detailed description

Befriending an older person in your local area takes just 30-60 minutes, fortnightly or weekly. It fits into your life, and you gain a new friend. You can learn more about Coventry life & history, and feel great that you've made a housebound older person feel less lonely.

You will be carefully matched by your shared hobbies and interests. Support is available at any time, should you need it.

Come to this online information session on Monday 12th May 7:30pm and explore befriending with us. People tell us it has changed their lives for the better more than they ever expected.

Applications closing in 2 months.10 spots left.
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About HOPE Coventry

We befriend & support older people through our Good Neighbours Coventry project. We run groups for men & for people living with dementia and their carers. We offer debt advice and money management help. We bring communities together. We run a family fun day each year at MotoFest.